Ham Pot Pie Soup

ham being placed in stainless steel pot with chopped celery, carrots and onions
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The savory scent of ham-in-bone, bubbling soup stock, and the sight of flour dusting the countertop with freshly-cut homemade noodle squares meant that Ham Pot Pie Soup was soon to be our next family meal. This hearty soup has been made in our family for generations, is a traditional Pennsylvania dish, and is truly satisfying after a long day of being outdoors.

Soup Stock Ingredients:

  • 6lbs of Smoked Ham Hocks
  • 6 Quarts of Water
  • 3 Large Onions Chopped (2 Cups)
  • 5 Carrots Cut Crosswise into ½ inch slices
  • 5 Celery Stalks
  • 6 Garlic Cloves Crushed
  • ½ tsp Black Peppercorns
  • 3 Bay Leaves
woman cutting flatten out dough for homemade ham pot pie

Soup Stock Directions:

Combine ham shanks and cold water in a large heavy pot and bring to a boil, skimming any foam. Add remaining ingredients and simmer, partially covered, until shanks are tender, about two hours. Pour stock through a fine mesh sieve into a large container. Reserve shanks and discard remaining solids. Discard skin and bones from shanks. Trim and coarsely shred meat, then put in a container to add to soup later.

Soup Fixings:

2 Onions Diced
4 Celery Ribs Diced
4 Carrots Chopped
2 cups of Cabbage Diced
6 Gold Potatoes – Peeled and Diced
2 lbs of Shredded Cooked Ham (Place 2 lbs of thawed ham in slow cooker on low with 1 cup of broth for approx. 6 hours)

Noodle Ingredients:

2 cups of Flour (add up to 2 cups additional as needed)
½ cup of Water
2 Eggs
Pinch of salt

ham pot pie soup with a glass of wine on copper table

Directions for Adding Ingredients to Soup Stock:

Add onions, celery, and carrots to three quarts of stock. Simmer for 15 minutes. Add cabbage and simmer for 15 minutes. Add potatoes and simmer for 20 minutes. Salt and pepper to taste, approximately ½ tsp each. Add cooked ham and bring to a light boil. Add fresh noodles and boil on low for 10 minutes, until the noodles are cooked.

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